Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wage Loss After a Car Accident in BC

In my experience working with injured car accident victims, many people never fully realize how important a steady income paycheque is until you don't get it anymore.

When paycheques stop, it can be frightening. Debt piles up quickly, payments are skipped, lifestyle and standard of living plummets. In general, even taking 4 weeks off work can have devastating financial consequences to anyone.

Yet, this is what happens to car accident victims. They're hurt and can't work. Unless they have extensive private disability insurance, obtaining wage loss benefits while recovering isn't always so easy. That said, there are several options for injured car accident victims in BC to get some form of wage loss relief while recovering from a car accident.

Please keep in mind that the following information for wage loss primarily pertains to people who are not at fault for the car accident in BC. This BC wage loss after a car accident article is really good in setting out options for financial relief after a car accident. It methodically goes through many options and how to go about applying for the type of financial relief.

Also, it's important to note that the above mentioned article, which is on the BC Personal Injury Lawyer website (a huge BC personal injury law resource), is all about wage loss immediately after the car accident. It doesn't go into the details about claiming for all lost wages in the lawsuit (tort action) against the at-fault driver. Full compensation is often possible, but it's not paid until the injury claim resolves.